Launch of the Inter-regional Task Force on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture

On 9/12/2021, at the KM4AgD final conference in Accra, FARA hosted the virtual launch of the GFAR-facilitated Inter-regional Task Force on Inclusive Digital Agriculture.
Download the leaflet with the Task Force description and the list of initial members.
Watch the video of the launch:

After partners in GFAR started working on a Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture, articulated in regional “chapters”, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) proposed to start working on inter-regional learning.

A mix of regional and local efforts are essential because challenges are different in different parts of the world. However, there are common challenges among different regions, as well as complementary strengths, and regions can learn from each other.

In this regard, the Inter-regional Task Force on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture will have the tasks of:

• mapping major challenges and major strengths in the regions

• identifying common challenges that can be addressed through joint efforts (cross-regional consultations, international advocacy)

• mapping of matching needs and strengths across regions for inter-regional learning

• identifying areas for collaboration, focusing on low-hanging fruits

• writing proposals and jointly mobilizing resources

• exploring strategies for scaling out results from regional actions, reaching out to global actors

GFAR and the Regional Fora AARINENAAPAARICACAARIFARA and FORAGRO, as multi-stakeholder fora, are the initial natural conveners of this task force. The initial group of conveners includes 2-3 experts per region and one person from GFAR.

The conveners will reach out to other stakeholders, primarily farmers’ representatives.

Is your organization interested to join this task force? Contact the relevant regional forum or the GFAR Secretariat at