Capsula de capacitatión: El correo electrónico como herramienta de comunicación para mi familia agrícola productora.
Sin duda alguna, una herramienta muy importante y útil es el correo electrónico. Carlos y Ana nos comentan sobre todas las ventajas de utilizar este medio digital, y cómo podemos enviar nuestro primer correo de forma fácil y rápida.
"El correo electrónico como herramienta de comunicación para mi familia agrícola productora"
This video in Spanish is part of the series of capacity development "capsules" developed in the Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. The short capsules were developed by the Sulá Batsú cooperative under the coordination of FORAGRO and IICA, in partnership with COPROFAM and in the context of an Action facilitated by GFAR and funded by the EU. The content to be covered in the capsules was selected based on the results of a survey and a collection of experiences of success and challenges in the use of digital technologies by small-scale farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean.